Our Impact

Most of our efforts in the past few years have involved studying new approaches to reaching more Survivors of Traumatic Events and developing innovative ways to implement them. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements.


For the past five years, we have provided thousands of trauma survivors with resources, education and training to aid their recovery.

We have channeled  time and resources into the research of new ways to get across to trauma survivors. We have also developed new ways to help them, over the years.

We have invested invested in gathering data and information that will help us make more informed decisions in our course.

So far, we have impacted over 20,000 survivors of various traumatic events; mass shootings, natural disasters, line of duty deaths, motor vehicle collisions, sexual abuse or assault, physical abuse or assault, emotional abuse or psychological maltreatment, accidents, illnesses, medical procedures, neglect, victim or witness to violence.

We have counseled and provided help for every single one of them, to aid and speed up their recovery. We help them to cope with and manage stress and educate them on ways to overcome their past. We provide regular training for them to help them get back into society and learn to be social again.

The assistance we provide helps to build resilience in them and keeps their emotions in check as many of them struggle with these emotions and remain restless for a long period of time.

After working with us, many of them are able to reestablish their daily routines. They go back to school/work and learn to take care of themselves again (going grocery shopping e.t.c.)

We give them a community. Nothing aids recovery faster than associating and interacting with people of similar experiences. With us these trauma survivors can truly find relief.

We have designed and created programs, procedures and processes to help these survivors get back on their feet.

We have given and continue to give numerous scholarships to high school and college seniors who plan on venturing into the mental health field so as to further research and enhance progress in the field.

We have and continue to provide meals for first responders during festive seasons and in times of emergency. This is done to support the work they do which is providing help to trauma survivors.

We have partnered with numerous organizations who believe in our course and have raised  funds to help these survivors of tragic incidents.

We have in our employ, over 1000 trained professionals available to help trauma victims bounce back on their feet. Our employees are experts in the field who have gathered a lot of experience over the years, and their sole aim is to help trauma survivors live again.


Example of Three Separate Traumatic Incidents:


Costs associated per incident:

State Trooper LODD (Line of Duty Death):  $162,300.00

Fire Fighter LODD(Line of Duty Death):  $562, 500.00

National Tragedy (Shooting Multiple Deaths): $681, 000.00

Cost to Trauma Survivors, Families, and Impacted Witnesses:  $0  

*Associated costs are based on Mental Health Services, Group Debriefings, Individual Debriefings, Food Provided, Travel Expenses, Education Programs, and other related resources.

**All services provided are at no cost to the individuals, groups, or agencies.  All services were provided by volunteers and supportive donors.  


Meals for Shields Program


The Meals for Shields Program was designed to provide holiday and emergency meals to First Responders (Law Enforcement, Fire Services, Emergency Medical Personnel, Dispatchers). The meals provided are safe, delicious meals prepared by volunteers who support all facets of the First Responder Community. These meals are provided during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and anytime an emergency need should arise.  In 2015, we served 175 Thanksgiving meals and 67 Christmas meals to First Responders.  In 2017, we served 740 Thanksgiving meals and 1080 Christmas meals to First Responders.  For 2018, we predict we will serve over 1000 meals for Thanksgiving and nearly 1200 meals for Christmas.   We have added the Oxford Chapter and will be adding two other chapters by 2019.