12 Facts About Anxiety You Might Find Surprising
Anxiety is the sudden feeling of worry or nervousness, usually about an imminent event or unknown outcome. It is the most common mental illness in the United States affecting over 18% of the population. Only 36 percent of those suffering from anxiety seek treatment.
Surprising statistics about anxiety that might change the way you think:
1. Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with anxiety.
Women were two times more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder than men.
2. Young adults are more likely to have an anxiety disorder.
People under the age of 35 were most likely to suffer from anxiety in the United States.
3. Phobias are often related to anxiety disorders.
19% of Americans suffer from specific phobias. OCD is also closely related to anxiety disorders.
4. Addictions increase your risk of anxiety.
Many addictions, including drug and alcohol, as well as, gambling or internet addictions double your risk of anxiety.
5. Anxiety is a co-occurring disorder.
Many people who are diagnosed with anxiety are also diagnosed with depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.
6. Anxiety is hereditary.
If someone in your immediate family has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you are likely to suffer from anxiety, as well.
7. Anxiety causes social isolation.
Social anxiety effects more than 15 million adults and can cause you to avoid social interactions.
8. Anxiety can ruin interpersonal relationships.
Anxiety disorders can create an overstimulation in the brain causing you to overthink and overreact in situations where you would normally be able to be more reasonable.
9. Anxiety can increase your sense of smell.
Anxiety causes your emotional system to react with your olfactory system and process even neutral smells as bad ones.
10. Anxiety can be contributed to your diet.
A diet high in processed foods and sweets can cause anxiety as compared with those who have a healthier diet.
11. Exercise can reduce anxiety.
Exercise increases the amount of dopamine in your brain which can cause you to feel more relaxed and less anxious.
12. Meditation is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders.
Meditation provides a state of deep relaxation and can reduce fatigue and stress. It has been proven effective for the reduction of anxiety.
Anxiety disorders can develop from many risk factors, including genetics, life events and personality. If you or a loved one is suffering from anxiety, don’t be afraid to seek help. It is treatable.